Farbonnur Elves: Cast of Characters
Map of Farbonnur (Includes Rovinge and Palindos

Farbonnur Elves Terms and Definitions
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Abilwyn (AB-ill-win): City in eastern Farbonnur, home to the corrupted Circle of Light and the Veneration of Light's High Devout.
Celastes (sel-AST-ez): City in northwestern Farbonnur, surrounded by a Dashalin shield wall to keep out blood mages.
Circle of Light: Giant disks of Celastian steel that restore Dashalin power to elves.
Dashalin (dash-AY-lin): The inherent magic of elves carried within their blood and restored by sunlight or a Circle of Light.
Dovington (DOH-ving-tuhn): City in northwestern Farbonnur.
Elsinor (EHLS-in-or): Circle of Light somewhere in Farbonnur. Home of the mystical tree of life.
Empiri (em-PEER-ee) (plural: Empirii (em-PEER-ee-eye): Elf with the highest level of Dashalin power and head of an elven citadel.
Empty: The reanimated dead; derived from "the empty eyes of Huroth" because their eyes fill with black liquid and they can be controlled by blood mages.
Farbonnur Bay (far-BONN-uhr): City in southern Farbonnur.
Glugoyal (gloo-GOY-uhl): High Celastian word for the empty. (Glugoya glugoyal is a common phrase meaning "Death to the dead."
Lubariq (loo-BAER-ik): Large, hive-dwelling creatures who built the tunnels for the Circles of Light. There are three types of the species: queen, hunter, and drone.
Rovinge (RO-vinj): Country south of Farbonnur, connected by land bridge. The Circle of Light disappeared under mysterious circumstances, turning the land to desert.
Rovinge (citadel): City in northeastern Rovinge.
Zammattau (ZAM-uh-tahw): City in mid-Farbonnur.​
Farbonnur Elves Timeline
-1200: Abilwi built his tower, chose his successors, and ascended to the realm of souls
-1000: Ofi and Elsi ascended to realm of souls, leaving their circles close to Celastes for protection
-900: Davri born to Valorias (Celasti)
-910-920: Davri abused by Ubishi
-920: Celasti ascended to realm of souls; Valorias split towers of Celastes and Elsinor
-800: First attack on Dovington - Faraki joined Celastes's tower, Murcori joined Elsinor
-640 (ish): Velden and Llawani followed the call to Celastes from Rovinge
-300: Gerlix interference began; Davri chose Velden as his consort; failed Yule bonding ritual
-200: Gerlix attacked Celastes; Davri died; Velden and Faraki exiled; Esher destroyed Tower of Abilwyn; Filvane attacked Elsinor but pulled back when he received confirmation that Esher succeeded; Murcori's true dream
-100: Stone of Power events
Present Day: Circles of Light and everything after events