Edie's Favorite Things
"Get busy living or get busy dying." Stephen King, Shawshank Redemption
Write what you know, they say. I'm constantly reading to learn, trying new things, and growing as a writer and as a human being.

QUEEN - the band
Freddie Mercury is my hero
Queen and Freddie have inspired me to write M/M romance. Love is love is love. They had the courage to say what few artists admitted in the 70's and 80's, and their musicianship is incomparable.
If you agree, join us on Facebook for Freddie Fridays! Edie's E-Team

LGBTQ+ Romance
Role Models and Friends
I didn't know this genre existed until my bestie sent me a book he found at a convention. It was Alliance in Blood by Ariel Tachna. Since then, I've met authors Amy Lane, Gus Li, Mary Calmes, Shira Anthony, Z. Allora, Rhys Ford, Angel Martinez, Freddy MacKay, and artist Catherine Dair, and befriended and read a wide variety of others who share a love for this genre.
I'm also a member of a fantastic writers' group on Slack. I hope to one day meet them in person!

LGBTQ+ Charities
40% of all homeless kids identify as LGBTQ+. As high as 8 in 10 transgender kids have attempted suicide. Having ONE supportive adult in an LGBTQ+ kid's life can reduce the risk of suicide up to 40%. These charities provide for our most vulnerable, and I support their efforts.
Another charity close to my heart is the AIDS charity in Freddie's name: Mercury Phoenix Trust

Video Games
Diablo, Dragon Age, Gears of War, God of War, Pokemon Go, Skyrim. I love games that take me somewhere else and let me be someone else. I don't have time to play as much as I'd like, but when I do I make it count.